GROUP-Clearing: COVID-vaccination & PCR-Test$0

CONGRATULATIONS - You have chosen to attend the GROUP Clearing Event on Tuesday, June 11 th 2024 at 10am PT / 1pm ET / 7pm CET, for the energetic release of the side effects of the

  • COVID vaccination
  • PCR-Test

with subsequent recording to purchase!  Here is a summary of what you are buying.

Do YOU also have such problems SINCE the

COVID vaccination



Feeling of no longer being YOURSELF

foreign body feeling of being "remote controlled

Headache, migraine, nightmares

Trembling, sweating, heart palpitations

Depression, aggression

Very many people could be helped by the König-Breuss-gsundsi method!

In the GROUP it can have a very strong and powerful effect!  

Congratulations on your decision for a better life!  
The chance is enormous - use it!

Choose in the purchase process which price  it is worth to YOU! (€
108, 1.001, 10.000)

  • Millionaires & wealthy maybe € 10.000.-
  • Average person maybe € 108.-

  • "Spiritual" price 108
    108 is your mala number, your mantra that makes you content.

  • You want to afford YOURSELFE for YOUR life 1.001.-
    You can afford it for YOU, AND want to support this sometimes LIFE-SAVING VIDEO opportunity Project!

  • You are a millionaire? YOUR life is worth 10,000 t
    You are a millionaire and honor & support this sometimes LIFE-SAVING VIDEO work for YOU & people around the world!

What is YOUR LIFE worth?

Ps: Flying to Brazil, Philippines or Russia to the healer would cost more :-)

This is NOT a guarantee and NOT a promise of a cure! It is only a chance for improvement! Previous results are not a guarantee of present results. There can be no 100% guarantee of the hoped for effect for every person, because every person is different, the symptoms have spread differently, the consciousness, the belief, the original life plan, the life situation, the will to live of every client is different. This can not replace treatment by a doctor / alternative practitioner.
GROUP-Clearing: COVID-vaccination & PCR-Test
Customers references say:

Foreign body feeling, headaches, migraines are gone

Feeling of relief that "stuff" is pulled out of the head & body or dematerialized

Mental, spiritual & physical burden/pain falls away

Have the feeling that "everything" is now gone

Feel lighter and can think & feel clearly again

Inner light is felt & visible again

Feel "normal" again

Self-confidence, courage, strength, clarity are there again

This is the experience of the international clients (AT, CH, GER, ITA, NL, ESP, BRA, NA, USA), no matter if the energetic cleansing took place LIVE, ONLINE, INDIVIDUAL, in the GROUP or via VIDEO!
How does it work, what do I need to do??

BUY the LIVE Zoom-Meeting participation

Log in to the member area to test if it works

Start 15 min BEFORE the agreed date & time the Zoom-Meeting! The Zoom-LINK will be in the MEMBER-Area!

Thursday, Dez. 14. 2023 at 9am PT / 12am ET

Duration about 1/2 - 1 hour

In the GROUP-Zoom-Meeting you will be guided by Michael what you have to do.

Michael König-Breuss does his kind of remote treatment / light work with lightfull beings / spirits & Soul Language.

This can be, as already for many, YOUR SOLUTION!

You can participate with or without a picture. With real name or initials.

The meeting will be recorded! Everyone can use the recording afterwards for PRIVATE use for 3 months (You can watch it several times. It does clean you again. Video will be Uploaded in the Member-Area!)

If YOU BUY & participate, you accept the fact of recording!

For private use only - No public performances - No free distribution or sale!

  • 01Customer
  • 02Payment
Next Steps 

Contact information

Billing address

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($108.00)$108.00
  • Preferred option
    If you can help and afford it 1k - Your Positive Impact will advancen your Life$1000.00
  • Preferred option
    As a Millonair Your Life is Worth 10k - Let me help you - Your Impact will advance$10000.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xGROUP-Clearing: COVID-vaccination & PCR-Test$0

All prices in USD

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