C0VID19-PCR-Test energetic cleansing of sidefects SpecialOffer$0

COVID19-PCR-Test energetic cleansing of sidefects

CONGRATULATIONS - You have decided to purchase the VIDEO on energetic elimination of COVID19-PCR-Test side effects!
Here is a summary of what you are buying.

Do YOU ​​also have these problems SINCE the "COVID-PCR-Tests"?

Psychological / emotional influence

Feeling of NOT being YOURSELF anymore

Foreign body feeling

Headache / migraine, depression, suicidal thoughts

Pointlessness, aimlessness, tiredness, lack of concentration

Loss of the "Inner Light" connection to the source

can no longer meditate / lack of concentration

A lot of people could be freed already from this problems through this ENERGY work!

Effect / Goal:

Energetic & mental clarity

Mental & physical burden falls off

sometimes an instant change happens

Connections become clear and can be solved

Self-confidence, courage, strength, clarity to go YOUR way!

Courage to stand by YOUR truth!

Joy, life energy & motivation returns

partnership can flourish

People perceive you differently, have more respect for you

profession comes to life

The meaning of life can be recognized and lived

and much more

Consciousness is above matter! (Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla)  

It´s all about Energie and Frequency (Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla)  

The video is unlocked for unlimited time for YOU!
I am happy to serve YOU!

Choose in the purchase process which price

($ 108, 1.000, 10.000) it is worth to YOU!

  • Millionaires & wealthy maybe $ 10.000.-
  • Average person maybe $ 108.-

"Spiritual" price 108

  • 108 is your mala number, your mantra that makes you content.

  • You want to afford YOURSELFE for YOUR life 1.001.-
    You can afford it for YOU AND want to promote the sometimes LIFE-SAVING VIDEO opportunity for your fellow man!

  • You are a millionaire? YOUR life is worth 10,000 t
    You are a millionaire and honor this sometimes LIFE-SAVING VIDEO work for YOU & YOUR fellow men very VALUABLE!

What is YOUR LIFE worth?

Ps: Flying to Brazil, Philippines or Russia to the healer would cost more :-)

This is NO guarantee and NO promise of healing! It is only a chance for improvement! Previous results are not a guarantee of present results. There can be no 100% guarantee of the hoped for effect for each person, because each person is different, the symptoms have spread differently, the consciousness, the belief, the original life plan, the life situation, the will to live of each client is different. This can not replace treatment by a doctor / alternative practitioner.

Customer Feedback

Foreign body feeling, headaches, migraines, foreign body feeling gone.

Feeling of relief that "stuff" is pulled out of the head & body or dematerialized

Mental, spiritual & physical burden/pain falls away

Have the feeling that "everything" is now gone

Feel lighter and can think & feel clearly again

Inner light is felt & visible again

Feel "normal" again

Self-confidence, courage, strength, clarity are there again

That is the previous feeling and experience of the international clients (AT, CH, GER, ITA, NL, ESP, BRA, NA, USA), regardless of whether the distances took place LIVE or ONLINE, INDIVIDUALLY, GROUP Or by VIDEO!
How does it work, what do I need to do??


Log in to the member area

Start the video

In the video session you will be guided by video what you have to do.

Michael König-Breuss is doing his kind of remote treatment / lightwork with the help of "divine light beings" and the soul language - light language - talking in tongues!

This can be, as already for many, YOUR SOLUTION!

  • 01Customer
  • 02Payment
Next Steps 

Contact information

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Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($75.00)$75.00
  • Preferred option
    If you can help and afford it 1k - Your Positive Impact will advancen your Life$1000.00
  • Preferred option
    As a Millonair Your Life is Worth 10k - Let me help you - Your Impact will advance$10000.00

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xC0VID19-PCR-Test energetic cleansing of sidefects SpecialOffer$0

All prices in USD

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