
CONGRATULATIONS - You have decided to purchase the e-Book 5-efficent-ENERGIE-PROTECTION-Solutions. Here is a summary of what you are buying. 

This DOCUMENT offers you instructions for Protection from negative energies and support of the "forces of light" for telephone calls, appointments, meetings, shopping...

Do YOU ​​have problems like that in your HOME & WORK place?  .... and no symbols, sticker, pyramide, meditation, treatment, dowser, healer, shaman could help so far?

fatigue, tiredness, concentration difficulties

Psychological / emotional influence - Depression, Aggression, Pointlessness, Aimlessness

Headache, Migraine, unexplained Pain

Poor sleep, restless, nervous, easily irritable

Feel cold drafts of air, hear noises, door noises, creaks

Feeling like someone is here, watching you

Strange energys, that blocks your peace &  "forward" movement

Situations that make you wonder if something is against you, your Family, your Job & Workplace

and so on

Why is this so? 

Purpose of this document? 

  • Again and again people complain that they "absorb energies" during telephone calls, meetings and shopping. 
  • Experience a loss of energy in the process. 
  • Feeling"out of sorts" afterwards, tired, irritable. 
  • Also that conversations often degenerate into bossiness and fighting, whereby the actual topic is neglected. 
  • External energies, karma, fears and behavioral patterns can be the cause of these problems. 

A lot of people could be freed already from those problems and got into SELF-empowerment by USING & APLYING those techniques from the the König-Breuss-gsundsi method EACH day!

Effect / Goal: 

Energetic & mental clarity can come back

Mental & physical burden can fall off

Headache, Migraine can go away

Sleeping can improve - deeper sleep, more positive energy

Children can become calmer, relaxed, learn better, get "normal" again

Partnership can improve

Your energy level can rise

You can feel protected and guided

Your Home can feel BIGGER, brighter, more open with more energy!

Self-confidence, courage, strength, clarity can come back

Joy, life energy & motivation can return

and much more

Consciousness is above matter! (Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla)
 It´s all about Energie and Frequency (Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla)

You can download this e-Book for YOU!
 I am happy to serve YOU!

This is NO guarantee and NO promise of healing! It is only a chance for improvement! Previous results are not a guarantee of present results. There can be no 100% guarantee of the hoped for effect for each person, because each person is different, the symptoms have spread differently, the consciousness, the belief, the original life plan, the life situation, the will to live of each client is different. This can not replace treatment by a doctor / alternative practitioner.

Customer Feedback

People feel more empowered, stong, clear

People feel protected and guided

Mental, spiritual & physical burden/pain falls away 

People feel lighter and can think & feel clearly again 

People feel "normal" again 

Home / Office feels BIGGER, brighter, warmer, quieter, more open with more energy

Phone / Tablet / Laptop felt lighter, quieter, calm, friendly

Better, deeper sleep

Communications with less stress, less aggression 

This is the previous feeling & experience of the international clients (AT, CH, GER, ITA, NL, ESP, BRA, NA, USA), no matter if the removals took place LIVE, ONLINE, INDIVIDUAL, GROUP or by VIDEO!

How does it work, what do I need to do??

BUY the e-Book

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Download the e-Book

Print it out and use it each day!

Save it on your mobile-phone and use it each day!

Michael König-Breuss is doing this kind of remote treatment / lightwork with the help of "divine light beings" and the soul language - light language - talking in tongues since 20 years!

This can be, as already for many, YOUR SOLUTION!

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1x5-efficent-ENERGIE-PROTECTION-Solutions$35

All prices in USD

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